

by Yoland

When we came to live in Ruyton one heard of coming events, births, marriages and deaths and other interesting gossip, in the street, from neighbours, in the shop or the pub.   Jean Rolfe at the shop and bakery, would introduce newcomers to other customers – and posters, all hand drawn on the back of old cornflake packets - were displayed in the shop window – see below..


The winter 1991 edition was produced by Valerie de Max of Fern Hollow in School Road. I cannot remember it at all but I have that first edition here among my posters from Rolfe`s.  Althought the cover was pink, 6 page A5 page was very `alternative` with an emphasis on what we now call green issues and conservation.  I have yet to discover if there was a Spring edition.


In 1996 Jenny Baker instigated the Three Parishes Newsletter, covering Ruyton, Great and Little Ness churches.  It gave us church news, births marriages and deaths, a message from the vicar and very useful advertisements for goods and services.   A great deal of work was required to literally, cut and paste with scissors and glue, plus the chore of chasing up advertisers and getting an army of volunteers to deliver to every house in the parish.  The Three Parishes Newsletter ceased in 2013 and it was replaced by a quarterly news sheet giving details of church services, events in the three churches and a message from the Vicar. 

Meanwhile, the internet was invented.

THE MAILING LIST                                                                                                                          In 2004, work started on preparations for a medieval festival in 2008 to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the Granting of Ruyton`s Borough Charter.  A mailing list of people who were interested but not on the organising committee was created to keep the village informed. 

After the event, the Charter Mailing List became the Ruyton and District Mailing List.   The list covers Ruyton and the XI Towns, The Nesses, Baschurch and Weston Lullingfields and I forward messages sent to me about many, many subjects from dog poo to notices about the WI, Garden Club, History Club, Parish Council meetings, Extend and Pilates classes, not to mention stray dogs and lost wallets.  There are around 200 addresses on the Mailing list and new people are joining all the time.  Here is some information on the Ruyton Mailing List:-

The mailing list is left over from the Charter Celebrations in 2008 when I wanted to keep people informed about plans for all the events. Afterwards it seemed a bit daft to just abandon this excellent way of communicating so I use it to circulate news and information on what is going on in the area.

There are now nearly 200 people on the list which covers Ruyton, West Felton and the XI Towns and Weston Lullingfields, The Nesses and Baschurch.    Information sent out is then forwarded to another 60 people on the West Felton mailing list - so you can see that there is great potential to get publicity for any events you get to hear about.  The idea is that people send me notices I can just copy and paste, I can attach posters, but I draw the line at going out and searching for information!

 A new development is that people are asking questions such as “Does anyone know a good supplier of logs” and about 8 good people emailed in with suggestions.   So if you have a problem or a question of any kind, do please make use of the Mailing List.   I have also had jobs and property for rent to advertise - lets have more of everything!

GDPR – I circulate local news via an email list. Those on the list asked to be included and voluntarily supplied the information.  Very occasionally the list goes out by mistake, although I do my best to not let this happen.


This database now has some 400 names of people and companies who provide a service in the area - from Accountants, Alterations and Dressmaking, and Pest Control to Vets, Window Cleaners local Women`s Institutes. Not to mention Plumbers, Roofers, Carpenters, Gardeners and other very useful people!

Give a friend or neighbour a really useful present – get them to join the mailing list!  If you can pass this information onto anyone you know who lives in the area, please ask them to contact me to put them on the list.

Facebook - all the messages sent from me go to Margaret Lycett who sends those particularly referring to Ruyton, onto facebook followers.

Be part of our Community,  

Yoland Brown                                                                                                                  Brownhill House Garden and Bed and Breakfast, Brownhill,  Ruyton XI Towns


01939 261 121


Then someone invented Facebook.  Nicky Eddon started the Ruyton Newsgroup in 2013 which, at the last count had 661 followers.  There is Ruyton Trades & Services group 285, which is, in effect, the Mailing List Business Directory.  Then there is Mummy`s (Mummy`s what?) of Ruyton 158. Ruyton Information has 106 – what are the rest of us giving the population if it is not information?   RATS page has 58.  A relatively new one is Ruyton Revisited started by John Guest where lots of people are connecting with their memories of the village.

Margaret forwards any Ruyton information I send out on the Mailing List to the relevant facebook page and particularly articles on www.eleventowns.uk/history.html to Ruyton Revisited.   So, between us, we probably have most of Ruyton covered.

It will not come as a surprise that I am not a facebook person – I am an Old Fogey, but mostly because I hate the idea of having to physically search through recent postings to see if there is anything of interest.  Whereas with the Mailing List, an email comes to your computer and, for the most part, you just have to look at the subject and either go ahead and read it or delete.

I am afraid I am much too busy actually doing to go searching for events, I wait until the organisers contact me.




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